Prayer for Our Day

Lord of Power and Might,
Harness the Four Winds
To serve Your Plan,
And bless Your inheritance.

Prostrate before You,
Your People raise a mighty cry,
To pierce the heavens,
And touch Your merciful Heart.

Though our sins poison the many waters,
Our idolatry empower the enemy,
Yet the sack clothe,
And ashes of our penitence,
Rises as sweet incense
Before Your throne.

May our prayer and penance,
Be a shield emblazoned
With Your Name,
O Mercy Divine.

Reign down upon the Fiend,
The punishment our crimes deserve,
Chain hell’s fury,
As in humility and meekness,
We render You Praise.

Salvation is Your Name,
O, Christ.
Glad hosannas encircle Your Throne,
And the Glory of God
Shows forth in Love.

Holy, Holy, Holy,
The Seraphim cry in adoration,
As Powers, Thrones and Dominions,
Principalities and Virtues,
Pour down the Blood of Christ,
Forgiving and ever cleansing
Adam’s sin and seed,
To banish the Long Night.

Our God reigns,
His Cross lights up the sky.
Witnesses of past and present shout for joy.
Cherubim return to Your Jerusalem of Gold,
Spreading their wings above Your Mercy Seat .

Your Temple, Your Body,
Is with us,
Ever sweet Presence,
Men of Good Will.

Come! Angels and Archangels
Surround and secure
Children for our God and King.

Arise, you with ears!
Raise your shields!
Shout your battle cry!
The mighty,
“Come Lord, Jesus!”

Here He comes,
The Eternal,

Joann Nelander

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